Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Vaal Community Monitors in Phase 2

Vaal community monitors

On the 16th of august Vaal started their first session on the second phase of the monitoring school with 10 participants present that day.there where new faces on that day, so the participants first started by introducing them selves and the facilitator presented the plans for phase 2 and the implementation plan on what actions should be taken, which steps to take when are the deadlines and all present participants agreed on all dates.

the community monitors have been put in a small groups, meaning will have five groups namely


Lebuhang Mokoena presenting the aim of the workshop and time plan

1. Bophelong-the group will focus on the schools that are built on wetlands,their key questions are-the reason why municipality decided to built a school on wetland -the impact of building on wetlands

2. Sasolburg-the group will focus on steen pan the unprotected wetland and their key questions are-why is that place not protected yet -who is responsible for that place since is a man made wetland -the potential dangers it poses to the community that live around it

3. Sebokeng- group will focus on the sewage spillage that are happening in the township and their key questions are-what cause the spilage -the impact of a sewage -and what are the solutions

4. Sharpville- group will focus on the polluted dam in the community called Dlomo dam and their key questions are-what is the purpose of that dam -is that dam safe for people to swim in it -what is the responsibility of the municipality

5. Evaton west-the group will be focusing on the waste management and their key questions are-how does the community feel about the waste -the impact of waste -what is the municipality doing about the issue -and what are the solutions


Maria from bench marks explained the aims of information gathering when writing a report in communities and ways of gathering information.then Lebuhang Mokoena the facilitator of the Vaal monitoring school talked about different ways of gathering information i.e. interviews, storytelling, photos/video, using background information, observe and taking samples however the the groups chose what they think to be the best for their group to collect information or answer their key questions.

for the next three month,each group will produce a detail report on the issue that affect their community or they chose to be their first priority. All groups must submit their first draft by the sixth of September where they will present the draft of their project,give each other feedback and agree on the follow up activity they will do on the report. then meet again on the fourth of October with the final report and make plans on how they will present it to their community and push for change.

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