Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Goldfields Community Monitors Workshop 25th August 2012

GUBIC on the ground invistigative monitors set for phase 2!

On the 25 of August

GUBICO a community based organisation in Free State started their second phase of monitoring school with 18 participations in attendance and few absent were shared their apologies. The primary aim of the meeting was to come out with the collective agreementon the dates, issues for concentrated study, outline of phase two content with discussions on the guidelines to be followed in doing the projects and planning the first draft report of the group project.

Part 1

The exercise was executed in our normal way of beginning the proceedings, introduction of the members, workshop aims and the time plans. We used an opportunity to reminding them of the discipline that’s still critical in the proper functioning of the school and emphasis on participation and seriousness, determination, alertness, excellence in executing the mandated tasks. We have further noted with celebration and yet a concern that we have few of our key leaders who have found jobs and may not be with us at all times, yet again we have noted that about three female leaders will have to leave us in the coming months as they will be giving birth. A short reflection around the reality of our organisation and training session which appeals to young people who are at the age of finding jobs and others being mothers was acknowledged and seen as a context that we must appreciate yet try and manage if possiblePart 2

Free writing approach was once again encouraged because it enables members to be better prepared when they write their articles or when they take reports from the community. A catch up writing was done and everyone started with “on the 16th of August 2012 at 16h42 South Africa witnessed…..” everyone wrote their understanding on the encounter of Marikana which was followed by discussions.

Part 3

A quick review or reminder of what was achieved in Phase one was done and randomly spoke of their high and low moments starting from free writings skills, mapping, physical mapping, writing of articles, photography, computer and political discussion and ground work they had to undertake. All participants were congratulated and shown print out of their writings and outstanding reports and photos were requested and only few people brought their outstanding reports and every one committed to submitting their pending reports at the next gathering.

Part 4

A more detail plan using reading material which will be guiding phase two were read, and step by step action expected and how they will unfold were explained, evaluation methods were also tabulated and mass mobilisation and group work was understood as a method to underpin the second phase and a scoping study as selected by respective areas were to be undertaken. A confirmation of illegal mining was sort with every one and the salt water issue was also flagged.
The monitors were told to go and regroup in a way in cooperate other members who couldn’t make it in this tasks. Because the inputs and knowledge they earned in most of the tasks will be appreciated.

The collective then decided that goldfields will be divided into Welkom, Bronville, Odendaalsrus, Allenridge, Virginia and Theunissen and that’s how they will works in this phase and build from the bottom up.
 Welkom will be busy with illegal mining. The concern here is that illegal mining is spiralling out of control and the right questions should be asked and the way forward in dealing with it.

 Bronville will be busy with unsafe passage between the tailing dam and the school which the kids attend. There Is a school in between the tailing dams and the location so young ones pass everyday through a makeshift( which is extremely unsafe) bridge and recently the school reported cases ranging from assault, rape, abductions and robberies. This cases involved illegal miners

 Allenridge will be busy with sewerage and also acid water discharge dam that’s close to the location. In this one the mine started spilling acid water into the streams leading to the dam and later on joined by the municipality in discharging sewerage into the dam. This dam is close to 2 meters to the residential area.

 Virginia will be busy the dangers posed by tailing dams close to residential areas.Kids were seen playing on unguarded tailing dam, unfenced and unsupervised mine property. This poses danger in a way that most of this mine metals still radiate.

 Odendaalsrus is built on salty pan and the houses continue to have a built up of salt from the foundations, they are cracking again its built on wetlands you don’t have to dig deep to find water underneath.

 Theunissen is a ghost place you will never say it provides labour to one of the big houses in mining it is so under develop yet there is a mine nearby. The Minerals of the people are not working for them. It is very poor state of affairs.

The guidelines for group project:
 Selecting the issue
 Identifying the questions
 Selecting information gathering tools
 Writing the reports
 Giving and getting feedback and follow up activities
 Finalising the report
 And reporting back to the community

All of the above proved not be a real challenge because most of this things were dealt with on the first phase but provided that they meet challenges we advised them that the facilitator and the senior coordinator and other district coordinators will be able to help when the need arise.


GUBICO is a community based organisation in Free State Province receiving sharing and learning training via Monitoring School from the Bench Marks Foundation Monitoring Project.

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