Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Dangerous Roads in Ikemeleng. extract from Rustenburg Review 2011

Ikemeleng is a place situated between the mining companies that makes it the busiest place you can even think of, during working hours. People are traveling from Rustenburg to Xstrata and Murray and Roberts Cementation shaft and others heading to Waterfall some heading to Bleskop Hospital and mines.
What the worst part about this busy road is that the cars travel very fast. When drivers from Ikemeleng join this road they risk accidents.
Students who go to school outside Ikemeleng have to cross this road and are at risk. This road has claimed many lives and several people have been hit by motor vehicles as they try to pass the roads.
People graze their cattle and goats nearby. These cattle stray on the road. Many herds of goat have been lost. The goats also cause accidents.
The Municipality and the Mines are well aware of this problem. They have tried to organise a patrol to help kids cross. But they are not serious; they do this on a volunteer basis and only for a short time during school hours.The municipality promises a lot of changes traffic lights and speed humps. But they say in the near future. Yet in the rich white area close by they already have speed humps. What are they waiting for, a child or few children to die? Is our life cheap??

The community have suggested that traffic lights will be the only solution

Serial Killers
by Tsholo Kokwe
Hear the voice of dead people
What do you feel about the red blood flowing down
You killed mother and child
You killed wife and husband
You are a serial killer

Many people lost their family
Many people lost their lives
Every day and night you killed
Cars and vehicles are your weapons
Stop killing the people

Why can’t you control your drivers
You have roads signs
You have a warning sign
But you kill
Stop killing
Stop killing the people

Roads inside Ikemeleng.ikemeleng roads 2

Residential Roads
The roads in Ikemeleng are not tarred. During rains it is impossible to travel from one section to another. This makes it impossible for local businesses to get their stuff in and even for water sellers to bring water. This places our lives in danger; emergency vehicles are not able to reach people in rainy season.