Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Unemployment increase crime and all social related problems that mislead our society?

The South African Police Services In Welkom, Thabong have created the above statue with weapons that they have collected from criminal activities in our communities.  This weapons serve as factor that criminal activities are increasing and puts our community at danger. The most common crime that are found in Thabong are murder, rape , theft, robbery and housebreaking, with township areas leading being Themba, Mshenguville, Putswastene and hostels where G Hostel is a leading among all locations. The cause all of this is the huge gap that is created among the rich and poor as poor people struggle to survive.

The community members says this is caused by high level of unemployment as most people find pleasure in theft, housebreaking and robbery as they cant find work. The outcry of the community was that beyond their area having so much mines they have to either bribe high ranking officials in mine to get a job, but again they cant do that when they are faced by unemployment as they have no means of income. The community also indicated there is a total community misrepresentation in mines around the area as people who easily have access to jobs are people from neighbouring countries.

Most gangsters a said they not happy with their acts as they are only motivated by not finding a job and cant stand seeing  themselves and their families going to bed on empty stomach. Some indicate that they stay in informal settlements where  there is less hope and find pleasure in nothing except stealing and thefts. This indicate that there is a need for resource at our land to benefits our people, so community there for don’t see any benefits from the mines except chemicals and other environmental impact they are causing to their health. This mines are at a community cost and they call for mines having clear communication with communities and come with implementation of programmes for community beneficiation.552237_446552682067535_140130810_n


GUBICO is a community based organisation in Free State Province receiving sharing and learning training via Monitoring School from the Bench Marks Foundation Monitoring Project.