Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Community use municipal officials corruptions in housing by Sandile Nombeni

In 2012 October the 20th the community of KwaThema ext.3 and 425 section were given allocations letters that these families would be relocated to KwaThema ext.5 and six months eviction letters were issued to them saying they should evacuate the area within two days. The community decided to call for legal assistance which had helped them to stop the evictions and called the municipality to attend a court proceeding where they found out that the municipal evictions were illegal.
On the 9th of April 2014 the second court proceeding root took place at the KwaThema magistrates court where the municipal officials Eddie Nkomotse represented the Ekurhuleni municipality as Director of the service delivery office in Ekurhuleni (Benoni) after the community members had questioned the Mayoral committee (MMC for finance) Moses Makwakwa about the investigation which the community are waiting for its results but was not mentioned or included on the imbizo report.
On the day of the court case Mr Eddie Nkomotse pleadede guilty on the account of not following proper procedures for evicting people and was fined R 10 000 or one year in prison and for bail another R20 000 or 5 year in prison for fraudulent documents for 5 years.
It is clear that the majority of the citizens of South African still face the challenge of housing corruption due to the greed of municipal officials and councilors who sell houses as one of the victims of evictions started (Nozizwe Mpangane) said” I was given all my papers for the house and was told I now own my house and I should move in and later approached by the red ants saying I should i move out forcing me to go back home with my children. Sadly two days after the proceeding an old neighbour of Nozizwe died by the name of Josphine Moshibe whom i first met when investigating this story and interviewed due to a heart attack and high sugar levels.
It is sad that the service delivery issues are causing the loss of families members in many ways.