Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Societies as a form of fighting poverty and unemployment in our communities byMziwothando Mzaza

As we all know that unemployment is a big issue and a problem in our communities, it often leads to crime and poverty.
The joining hands society is based in Duduza Ekurhuleni east of Johannesburg. It came into existence when families were faced with the challenges of burial costs that’s where the hand society came about.
The society grew from just being a funeral society for a group of friends, and has become a way of life to help each other through thick and thin.
Each member of the society contributes R250.00 premium per month, the society became a platform for coming together to discuss business ideas, and people started discussing ways of making extra cash.
The society consists of 18 members and it is male dominant society. But women are also welcome in order to get a females’ perspective as well and witch ideas around. The society members meet regularly to discuss matters arising and a way forward. They started saving money and buying tents, chairs and food warmers. The business now employs members of the society who are jobless.
When a member passes on, they pay out a certain amount of money, and even if it’s just a person from their community that they employed they do pay out to help cover for the funeral costs.
The society also hires out their equipment in order to make their own profit, and save money. Their future plans are to make lots of profits in order for them to better their lives, employ more people and help combat crime and poverty in their community.