Protest to Unite the Community of Motlhabe
Buda Lentswa Motlhabe, BuaMC, Rustenburg 24th June 2016
Im reporting a protest that took place in a small village named Motlhabe located in Rusternbeg. About more than a decade now the tribal council of Motlhabe has been divided in two. Thats unusual. This issue has affected the community so much in so many ways for a very long time now. Several years back the near-by mine has offered a number of street lights, but because of the finger-pointing and fighting happening at the tribal council they were taken and given to another village named Magong. The community has come together now to end this conflict and unite the divided council issue.
The community demanded a meeting with the chiefs to solve this issue but none of them were there. As a results of this , on the 24th of may 2016, the community decided to start the protest. They closed the schools, and also blocked all roads entering or exiting Motlhabe. The aim was to interrupt the mine and Eepartment of education, so that the chiefs could be forced to give attention to the community. But
the result was that people were threatened and arrested.. Until today the issue has not been solved.