Improving Standard of living for Youth
Community Alerts/Bonolo Modise/Robega-Rustenburg/1
Rise of unemployment in Motlhabe and the surrounding villages
Community Alerts/Lentswe Buda/Motlhabe-Rustenburg/
Housing is a sensitive issue, especially in Marikana
Community Alerts/Zanele Tyeda/ Marikana-Rustenburg
“Mining is not a solution but a community cost” community affected by dusty unpaved roads
Community Alerts/Lentswe Buda/Motlhabe-Rustenburg/
SAPS protecting the interest of the mining industry not taxpayers
Community Alerts/Collen Raphata/Chaneng-Rustenburg
Losing Hope That One Day We Could Be Employed”
Community Alerts/Bonolo Modise/30 March 2017 We th
High rise of unemployment and lack of skills training fumes community members
Community Alerts/Pogiso Sediro/Majakaneng/Rustenbu
Resgen trying to con the Fanpan community off their land
Community Alerts/ Francina Nkosi/Limpopo-Marapong/
Coal slowly depleting which means job loss and SA possibly running on nuclear soon
Community Alerts/Lorraine Kakaza/Mpumalanga/16 Mar
Communities are desparate for their minerals (chrome)
Community Alerts/ Mathapelo/Limpopo-Sekhukhune/13/