Proposed open pit coal mine and independent power producer, Lephalale, Limpopo province
Community Alerts/ Andries Mocheko/Limpopo/13 May 2017
Notice of Environmental Regularity Processes for proposed open pit coal mine and independent power producer, Lephalale, Limpopo province
Dedicoal (Pty) Lty (Dedicoal), which is a subsidiary of Masimong Group holdings (MGH) proposed to develop a new Open Pit Coal mine and Independent Power Producer (IPP) plant approximately 22km northeast of the town of Lephalale. The project is known as the Lephalale Coal and Power Project (LCPP) and is in the Lephalale Local Municipality. The proposed site is 10km north of the R518 provincial road which links the town of Lephalale and the village of Marken.
A public meeting will be held to discuss the Scoping Report. Wednesday the 17 May 2017 from 09:30-11:30 at Mogol Club Lephalale. The purpose of the meeting is to present the scoping report compiled during the environmental authorizations processes.
Report of the meeting 18 May 2017
Yesterday Public participation that was held Lephalale town (Mogol Club) the turnout was very poor. Only few the representatives from these Organizations WWAO, WEJF, ULF and NAFCOC the rest was farm owners. The challenge that our local Organization showed them about their public participation is:
- The venue, wasn’t accessible to affected communities
- What methods they use to call public participation
- Their time from 09h: 30-12 while people still at work
Resolution was taken by 46 people who were part of that public meeting was simple, go back to your drawing board and come with proper consultation.
Only 14 farm owners out of this number of 46 people who was attending sign a register’ some Organisations like WWAO,WEJF,LUF and others did sign cause they don’t understand their presentation. By Andries Mocheko