Community of Kamadakwane (Umjindi) delivers a memorandum to Agnes mine management
Community Alerts/Bongiwe/Mpumalanga/06 June 2017
Community of Kamadakwane (Umjindi) delivers a memorandum to Agnes mine management
The Community of Umjindi(Barberton in the Low veld )are sick and tired of the way in which the Mine (Agnes) operates. Last year more than 50 people were retrenched. In the memorandum the following points were stated
1.The Community demands that the mine must hire 80% of the locals more especially the Youth as most are Unemployed who in turn become this so called ‘Zama zamas’ Illegal Miners.
2.There must be a new committee to be elected that is going to communicate with both the community and the mine.
3.A new liaison Officer has to be Nominated. By Bongiwe-Mpumalanga