Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Mine relocates a community and uses poor quality ceiling that falls apart

Community Alerts/ Neria/Mogobading-Limpopo/17 August 2017

The community of magobading was relocated by the mine, since from 2012 the community argued that the ceiling are falling apart and in 2015 the mine promised of the house owners gore batla mo tshelela celling ye engwe  ebile e ya hlohlona ge babutse mafestere go tsena moya e ya foforega gona joale ebile ga ba sa tsena le ka mowe kamoreng yeo ka baka LA gore ebile o kare le sepontshe se mo godimo o kare se tlowa ,mong wa motse o re yena Ga a tsebe gore naa a dire joang ka gobane Ga a sa kgona go dira selo ,mowe ntlong go dula mokgekolo le mokgalabje  mola morwedi wa bona le yena a sa bereke a lebeletse bona

Summary by Mathapelo:

The community of Magobading was relocated in 2012 there was still issues about the celling in 2015 mine promised the community to re install new selling because the sealing they installed made people to develop an allergic inching reaction. When they open windows the ceiling falls down and produce a certain dust they are no longer using the room. The owner of the house don’t know what to do now and they are very old their daughter is not working so they don’t have money to fix the house. By Neria- Mogobading,Limpopo