Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Community Alerts/ Tshepo Sibiya / Steelpoort -Limpopo/10 Oct 17

10th of October 2017. BGM workshop held in cape town hosted by EMG. Is South African Water Coucaus. Representatives from Limpopo, Gauteng, Free State, Mpumumalanga. KZN,E.C and W.C province’s.
We had an opening session with a little jazz. Talked about the agenda and getting to know what we all bringing from each one of us.
Points were come out from the group
-Gender issues
-How can we bring youth to the caucus
-dirty water from the municipality while paying
-less talk and more action
-skill needed to be on SAWC, what kind if skill do we need
Had a moment if silent to our passed comrade. End the day with group work every province’s talked about it water caucus and it challenges