Consultative Process Went Wrong
Gilbert Moela/Bokoni/190917
On the 18 September 2017, Bokoni Platinum Mine which is situated on the outskirts of the R37 road between Burgersfort and Polokwane, met with The Department Of Mineral Resources, Labour, businesses forum and the stakeholders engagement forum at the DMR Office in Pretoria with a hope of finding the amicable beneficial solution for everyone who will be affected by the proposed closure or Care and Maintenance plan of the Mine. The DMR has provisionally rejected the company’s proposed programme. The stakeholders (Community, Employees and the Business forum) presented to the department that the consultative process was flawed and not adequately addressed. The Mine management were told to go back to refer to the section 47 and 52 of the MPRDA respectively and revert back to the department with conclusive agreements between all the parties evolved.