Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Dawn observes illness people living near mining suffer from

Community Alerts/Dawn Anderson/Soweto-Gauteng/29/01/18

Mrs Wellington of Riverlea Johannesburg with 31-year-old Rovarn her son who is down syndrome, I am deeply concerned by the crisis that exists in our community.

Illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, HIV/AIDS and the severe intellectual impaired adults and children has left families depressedI’ve also noticed that depression goes with the illness you are facing.   In my opinion I will say depression is also a chronic illness if not, then it’s a mental issue.   In 2017 we had five males who hanged themselves. By Dawn Anderson

Austen Cameron-7 years old is severely intellectual impaired

Charmaine Diedricks 58 years old she has rheumatoid arthritis that crippled her.