Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Low grade platinum and activists’ resistance saves N11 road in Mokapane

Community Alerts/Margaret Molomo/Limpopo-Mokopane/19/04/18

One of the community leader was interviewed by Dr Philian Zamchiya. Senior Researcher and Project Coordinator, about the illegal mining at Mokopane, Magongwa village.

A community leader Mr Derrick Tsita is also a mining activist from Masodi Village,Ga-Mokopane. In 1998 William Haideb is the one who started Plaat Reef mine he got the Licence from Lebowa minerals. He wanted to start an open cast mine at Tshamahanzi village, at Mokopane, their first mine plan was supposed to divide N11road, from the first street of Tshamahanzi village via Magongwa village and realized that it’s impossible for them to relocate Magongwa and Tshamahanzi residents. There were this risks activism, resistance, the platinum was low grade and they did not consult with the community yet the license said they should.

After the discovery of low grade platinum, they moved to Rietfontein. In Rietfontein farm they found Alrehk mining company which also come from Canada, which was also prospecting and they formed a JV (joint venture). Plaat Reef promise Alrehk mining company that they will pay 3 quarter million every after 2years Which they never did then they started fighting and Plaatreef left. By Margaret Molomo