Tunatazama - Community Monitors


Community alerts/ Cliford Mohuba / Atok , Monametse/06/08/2018/ 15:05]


In Limpopo province under fetakgomo/grater Tubatse municipality the community of Monametse/Mokgotho won rebuilding and repairing of houses which found cracked in 2014/03/31 when they moved in, it have been long journey which result to fighting in 2010 when the community and Bokoni platinum mine clashes.

In 2015 we forced the decision and Bokoni under Anglo American platinum mine agreed to cover their tracks by rebuilding four badly damaged houses which gives opportunity on extra sixteen more houses to total of twenty houses.

The following contracts were appointed to do work in three categories being:

Roads with the budget of R2 million  by Letseneng civil construction.

Rebuilding with the budget of R4 million by Mmakanaga earth works.

Repairing with the budget of R11 million by chisa multi project.

However the project still under way we managed to win twenty houses in total.And burning issue is GRAVES which need to be relocated also.

However there still have to check on how to rebuilt other twenty-five houses as the problems seemed to be foundation.

We hoping to get more after this project

Story by: Clifford Mohuba