Siphumulile Clinic In Thulani Snake park still in Crisis
Community Alerts/Thokozile Mtambo/Soweto/06/08/18
Siphumulile clinic is a Government /public organization and a primary health care facility, providing HIV and TB treatment. Over a hundred patients come to this facility on daily basis and half of these patients are Chronics meaning they suffer from TB , Asthma, Lung Cancer. These diseases are caused by the tailing that is surrounding this area because of the air is we breath is toxic and the atmospheric quality is dirty. The clinic is too small to accommodate every person on daily basis.
The Government has tried to pay other facilities like crèches to be used for other chronic patients, for them to go for check up and received their medication to avoid long lines in the clinic. Still, this has not solved the problem of the patients. Even today women who come for family planning, children who come for immunization still wait in the same line with chronic patients for hours before they can even get into the reception. The is no privacy for those who suffer from TB, cause they cover them with masks so that they won’t spread TB to other patients. This has provoked a lot of people. The service is slow and people are not happy at all. Harmony Gold mine did make a promise to build a bigger Clinic for the people of Thulani. But even today the people are still in misery. By Thokozile Mntambo