Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Social and Labour Plan

Community alerts/ Clifford Mohuba/ Atok,  Monametse/06/08/2018/ 13:44] Moshe: story by : clifford

Community: Monametse Atok

Company:  Bokoni platinum mine

Issue: Social and Labour Plan


Bokoni platinum mine’s non-compliance a nightmare to the community..

Bokoni platinum mine is situated in Limpopo province fetakgomo-Tubatse local municipality.

in its 2013-2017 SLP the mine has committed to develop the community of monametse and other surrounding villages with income generating projects, infrastructure and water provisions,however up to date the community around the mine are still living in abject poverty, with the mine being put on care and maintenance the situation has now become worse as there is no means of survival for the community ,within the mine’s SLP there are projects that can see the community being self reliant,  projects such as poultry farming, crop farming in other area there were to build skills development centre which was to focus on skills development ,early childhood development and carrying for the ill community members and destitute families, the projects was to further cater for food production and ensure mass participation of the community to alert unemployment which has thus far let to substance abuse and theft which could have been a positive impact towards the community

Story by :  Clifford Mohuba