Meeting with livestock owners at Ga-Makgopa Village
Live stock owner from Ga-Makgopa requested meeting with SEJN concerning issues they are facing with Twickenham mine.
The following issue where discussed
*Death of livestock
*Grazing land
*Asses to clean water
*Training of live stock owners offered by Twickenham mine.
There are complaining of live stock that are stack at the mine canal and they think that the cow attract by the weed that is growing in the mine canal so there cow stuck and die there.
concerning the grazing land is that
Area one
The land where their livestock use to graze is now being fenced of to make Twickenham plant and mine stores
Area two
The Twickenham shaft.
Livestock owners are ready for training and want to report back. Twickenham Mine has promise the livestock owner of Ga-Makgopa to supply them with water troughs but they haven’t supply water for their livestock.
Way forward:
The request a meeting with mine management in two weeks with SEJN to submit their demand:
*supply of clean water
*compensation of livestock died in mine stream
*Request for the grass that is growing at the Twickenham plant and shaft because the grass is being cut but they don’t give the livestock owner and one of livestock owner requested for the grass but the mine don’t promise anything, this shows that the mine don’t care about them because they might be throwing that grass. Victoria Makgoo was appointed to work with livestock owners of Ga-Makgopa regarding this issues and the livestock owners were happy.
Story by: Victoria Makgoo