Tunatazama - Community Monitors

AMI 2019

Community alerts/ Mmathapelo Thobejane/ Ditwebeleng 05/20/2019, 4:34 PM]


Eric Mokuoa and David Van Wyk doing presentations on day 2.

David presenting about health survey the Benchmark Foundation did in Mpumalanga and Limpopo.

Colonialism and apartheid

*The convenience and privilege of the settlers colonial minority

* The Labour needs of the economic pursuit of the settler colonial minority whether mining or agriculture.

*The fear and insecurity of the settlers colonial minority of the disempowered indigenous majority

* The social, legal and economic framework in pose by the settler colonial minority

* The geographical and geological reality of minerals contractions.

How radio active mine waste affect communities

Community alerts/ Mmathapelo Thobejane/Ditwebeleng Village/ 05/02/2018, 4:39 PM]

AMI 2019 Eric presentation

Making clear that communities need to address questions of poverty when engaging with mining companies.

There are trust issues between communities and companies that’s why there a need of facitated dialogue to balance between 2 parties.

And during the negotiations or engagement social justice must be underlined or taken into consideration.

Story by Mmathapelo Thobejane

Community alerts/ Mmathapelo Thobejane/ Ditwebeleng Village05/02/2019, 6:38 PM] : AMI :Side event

Queens Room at Double Tree, Cape Town

INGA dam: In service of mines and industry

Presentation from Activist Emmanuel from Democratic Republic of Congo. (DRC)


The Inga dam 3 is designed to power the SADC region, with South Africa being an official taker of 2,500MW. Is the 3 of 8 phases which when completed will make grand Inga one of the biggest hydropower dams in the world.


What is shocking is that power communities in DRC don’t have electricity and they are the ones who suffer most the impacts on this mine. It also affects the animal health fishers sometimes they find fishes rotten inside. And the communities that have electricity the supply is very weak they can’t cook and use refrigerators.

Organisation and movements, dam affected communities together with WOMIN and international Rivers are campaigning to stop the Inga 3 project and proposing just energy alternatives.


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Story by: Mmathapelo Thobejane