Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Women Standing firm and demanding recognition

Community Alerts, Lorraine Kakaza, Mpumalanga, Carolina, 2019/02/28

“Women standing firm and demanding recognition”
14 February 2019

Women of Carolina and the LTGBQ group in Mpumalanga Province took it upon themselves to raise their concerns and Demands from the mines that surrounds them and community against discrimination of women in the mining industry.

They began their march at Silobela Location to Carolina Magistrate. Amongst the demand there where issues of opportunities that exclude women and LGBTIQ+ Community in the mining sector
They were demanding that mines must employ more women and LGBTIQ+ community in their mining operations because they are tired of women being discriminated and prejudiced against when it comes to issues of Employment, Skills Development & Business Procurement, women should get preferences in Employment, Skills Development and Business Procurement.

They demand the 15% of the mining spends as the 2018 Mining Charter states be Spent on women owned entities. All Mining Companies in Carolina to increase the women labour’ forces.
Women in the mining sector should not be discriminated against when it comes to higher management positions and there is a need for women in the mining sector to report issues of sexual harassment and these needs serious attention.
Women to be included in core mining business. Employment processes to be more transparent to avoid men in leadership positions to take advantage of women and ask for sexual favours. Mines should fund women owned project to decrease the unemployment role in our community.


• A judicial system that will deal specifically with LTGBQ+, Women, and Mining related cases should be established in Carolina to allow women to open cases that affected them to someone who understand the problems they are going through.

• Transparency on employment committees or NGOs
Women of Carolina have already created a WhatsApp group to support the victims of Gender Base Violence (GBV) there will be other platforms that will be created that will cater for women only and those programs will educate women on how to register companies, tax clearance, drafting businesses proposals to the mines and should be given a framework and if the response is not positive they will take action….

Photo credits Nomonde Nkosi