Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Khanya College winter school week outcome

Community alerts by Collen Jolobe, Mpumalanga, Emalahleni, Ezinambeni, 2019 June 14,

09-14 June 2019
Day 1: Sunday

The aim of the winter school is to make the participants to be able to produce their own news paper.
We learned about  what goes to writing an article.
We did a Book Review.
We did a Film Review.
We wrote an article about our community or organisation.
We wrote a film or a book review.

Day 2: Monday
We started a day with singing songs of the struggle.
We had a session wereby we remembered our struggle heroes.
We participated on a play about  a sex worker who was found with her baby dead in her arms, it was believed that the baby  was killed for muthi purposes. We then formed different media houses to write an article about the play, and also what did the people from the community say about the play. We had a group discussion about capitalism, and after that on our groups we created a midia house for an article.

Day 3: Tuesday

Review on the movie we watched the night before.
We discussed the role of midia under capitalism.
We watched a documentary about young girls, and we had a discussion on it. The documentary was about young girls who have been neglected and some are fatherless and they have to face their lives struggles on their own, and as a group we did a Film Review on that particular documentary . The exercise on this  was for us to be able to write stories for a news paper article. We had an discussion about feminist network Wich is a movement that covers issues about challenges of women they face, and inequalities, also skills for women.

Day 4: Wednesday
We had a discussion and doing an exercise about “Alternative Press” which was single out for attack by government which was part of the anti-apartheid resistance movements. As time goes after the apartheid movement, it disappeared not adapting to the new system. We were posed with a question, what struggles do we have in our work we do as social movements. The responds was, we all carry different struggles and what we can we do to fight our struggles.

Day 5: Thursday

We were doing a skills workshop. Which I was doing how to create a pamphlet. We also wrote articles on our  the news paper for our midia houses. We were given a chance to practice yoga and it was so interesting. We had a discussion about the past elections, and the concerns were raised such as that why th youth didn’t vote, it was because their issues are not met, such as the issue of free education. Also that ANC as the rolling party it has lost votes for this elections. The other concern was the issue of xenophobia in South Africa how can they overcome it and make South Africa a free country.

Day 6: Friday

It was a last day for the week.  We reflected on the winter school how it was, we all felt that it was a great experience, an opportunity. It was sad to say fair well!!!