Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Mine blasting destroy poeple’s houses

Community alerts/ Donald Mphethi/ Ga-kgwete/28/09/2019, 08:24]

Madikane Village is a rural settlement around Driekop through the road of Marula Platinum Mine where Lwala Mine of Samancor is situated. Peoples from closer to the mine operation have been trying to talk to the Mine about the danger it causes to their buildings which have terrible cracks as we speak. Every time when they blasts, the effect reaches to many homes and the mine hasn’t yet shown any interest to sit down with us. As the community representative i saw it very important to seek urgent relevant help so that this matter can be resolved through the engagement of the Mine and the affected homes. The affected people have no choice but to let the Mine relocate them to a safer place since the situation of their buildings is likely to cause danger to lives. The attached photographs are taken from Mrs Lucy Thobejane and Charlotte Ngwato, which serves as an example of the entire situation.