Tunatazama - Community Monitors

School reopening – Children are stressing

21st May 2020

Susan Moraba
Difagate village

As the announcement of reopening of schools for grade 12 and 7, most kids are not happy and some are happy.
The reason why they are not happy is that my nephew who is in grade 7, said they have 1 grade 7 class and they are 98 children in it because they lack more classes. he asked as to how are they going to sit in class as they share a table, being 3 in one table and how will the teacher for one subject be able to teach or circulate all the different classes as he thinks they will separate them, he also worries about feeding Skeem, as they were cooking for the school children, how will they control them, he is just confuse and asks a lot of questions and thinks of not going to school until they say the virus is over or when a valid solution is at hand.
Matrics feel relieved that they will gain something even if they can say they must write exams, they will be relieved and write something they have learnt.
This is a serious concern to parents as they say in other mines there are cases of corona since they went back to work and still asks if their children are safe, they feel the government is testing situations by risking life’s, some parents say their kids will go to school whilst others say they won’t go to school.
Parents and children are stressed by the reopening of schools while the situation is not yet clear.