Community Action – Food Parcels for Families in Need
19th April 2020
Sekhukhune District in Limpopo
Tokelo Mahlako and Gilbert Moela
We done very Good Job when we were distributing Food parcels At Modimolle Village in Ward 08 under Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality. The beneficiary was very happy Since the Private and Public sectors took their Names promising them Food Parcels until Today. The purpose of this distribution was to meet our people Half way during this Lockdown. All Thanks to MACUA
“As the poor starve in poor marginalised mining affected communities amid lockdown, NGOs, extend a helping hand”
As South Africa enters the 3rd day of its unprecedented extended 14-day national lockdown as a result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many are concerned over what this means for the poor marginalised mining affected communities in rural Limpopo Province especially Fetakgomo-Tubatse Local Municipality which is home for almost 30 mining companies.
Now more than ever, destitute families, child headed households and informal traders whom all relied on this mines need our help. To tackle the problem, MACUA/WAMUA have sent volunteers to rural areas—through its district branch to distribute food parcels that would see the recipients enjoy healthy meal for 3 weeks. Volunteers also uses the opportunity to pass down information about how to avoid getting infection and the importance of staying at home as well as how through social distancing they can assist our government to help deal with the pandemic.