Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Electricity Crisis

18th June
Kgwete new stand Phase 1
fetakgomo tubatse municipality
Donald Mphethi

Since the promulgation of the Covid-19, kgwete village has been largely affected by the shortage of power because the project that was responsible for electricity had to stop.
It became quite challenging to the affected houses and they even had their fridge-carried food rotten and cell phones without power. They resorted to depending on those who have electricity on the other site of the village. However, residents have been very obedient to the decision and rules the President made from level 5 till now on level 3.

Fortunately we have witnessed the returning of the electric Contractor who came to resume their project on the Monday of 15 June 2020. However the houses that do not have electricity are more than 300 and only the 150 houses were electrified because they appeared on the list the Project-man had. The remaining number is very disappointed by the electrification which was according to them, partly and therefore need to have their houses powered. Our plea is to ask the Municipality to please cater for the remaining ones in this crisis. They are now still sleeping in dark houses after a long wait