Service at Ikemeleng clinic
27 May 2020
Buti Botopela
Ikemeleng community is an informal settlement made up by mine workers who opted for living out allowance instead of hostel accommodation over 60 years ago and it is located in Kroondal just roughly 7km outside Rustenburg CBD.
Ikemeleng residents are happy with the treatment and support from caretakers and nurses at Ikemeleng clinic. The nurses give their attention to all the patients coming in to consult and they are screened for Covid19 and get their medications on time after consultation.
Nurses and caretakers are working very hard to assist patients on daily basis than before as it is their profession to be medically fit and open hearted to patients asking for assistance. They attend to patients and are said to be friendly and welcoming it really shows a growth. I had a conversation with a friend to get his personal view and he said “I am happy with the clinic service as we are now assisted on time without long queues”
Nurses and caretakers are more caring than before as they know that people come to government clinic because they don’t have the means to access private health care. We urge clinic management to keep on doing their best in ensuring safety and support for themselves and community.