Human rights violation continues in health facilities.
Tshepo Mmusi
Area: Klerksdorp, Jouberton Township
Date: 28 October 2020
Covid 19 has brought changes in our communities and members of the community struggle to get used and into terms with a new normal. In the past three weeks, Jouberton clinic has been closed because one of its staff members was covid 19 positive. This brought members of the community to their knees because chronic illnesses patients, the elderly, women and children were left with nowhere to go for basic medical or primary health care because other facilities could not accommodate them. This led to many residents defaulting their treatment. This result in a violation of a right to health care. Eventually when the facility reopened it’s doors to the public residents were subjected to sit in long queues for the whole day in hot weather conditions of summer.
The question is “Is the new normal supposed to violate people’s rights and deprive them what is due to them.