Tshepo Mmusi
24 November 2020
The Justice and Peace Commission in Klerksdorp is a member organisation with Community Advice Centre South Africa CAOSA which it’s main objective is to capacitate, empower and help advise centres to mobilize resources for its member organisations. Through CAOSA the Justice and Peace Commission was invited to participate in a dialogue organised by the Consortium of migrants and refugees in South Africa CORMSA. At the dialogue, the Justice and Peace was given the opportunity to do it’s a presentation of the work it does especially during the Covid 19 lockdown period.
From the dialogue, the partnership was made with CORMSA with one of its programmes of social and food security. The dialogue session topic was on migration policies and their impacts in South Africa. Agreement and a memorandum of understanding were reached with regard partnership between J&P and CORMSA. It is with great pleasure to report that J&P in Klerksdorp will be one of the organisations to distribute food parcels to the deserving members of the communities in the greater Klerksdorp area. The dialogue sessions were organised in Potchefstroom from the 17th to the 18th of November 2020.