Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Young boys in Ikemeleng community

Phindile Ngobeni

Ikemeleng – Kroondal


30 October 2020

Name of group intoxicated trap culture. There is three in this group already recorded 17 Songs. They have never stopped writing and singing their songs even during covid19. Intoxicated trap culture was using group chat to communicate and singing.17 years old, 16 years old and 15 years olds from different families. I’m proud of them because they stay away from the street and work hard to change some youth lifestyle in Ikemeleng.

Covid19 change many situations because before covid19 the boys use to meet every weekend and sing and share knowledge with other kids in Ikemeleng. They use to challenge each other since while is many groups of boys in the music industry. They said the more they meet, the more they learn from each other. Are not only boys’ girls also are involved in music. 

They also trying to create a group of Gender-Based Violence in Ikemeleng. The printed three T-shirts for GBV. They asked me if I can arrange a workshop for them if possible. They want to share the message of abuse, killing of women and children through music and drama. I promise them to give myself time and go to ask Hall at school because we need an open place to do all they need to do.

Broken hearts of Ikemeleng young girls and boys about everything they go through. Fear of our girls in Ikemeleng due to rapist and killers. Losing trust in some men in our community. We always ask GOD to protect us and our friends and family. When your child goes to school you just said thank you when she is back.