Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Water Scarcity

Naas Location (Nkomazi )
Vusi Mabaso (VEM )

Water supply and service delivery in Mpumalanga under Nkomazi municipality especially at Naas Location has been lacking as they last saw water from their tabs last year December before Christmas.
When asking the local councillor about the problem why is the water not coming from their taps as the local government have installed new meters in their homes the councillor says “we had a meeting with the director about this issue of water scarcity, so we are waiting for the machine that is ordered cause the one that is broken was too small for this community ” said councillor Madikana.
The informal settlement and the bussines people who owned water tankers has a hand in water scarcity.
Community members who are affording are buying water from water tankers meanwhile those who can’t afford are sharing the water with the animals at the far rivers.
At the same time the Covid 19 regulations says wash hands regulary and the constitution of the republic of South Africa says water is Life .
The community is proposing a strike next week Monday even though is level 3 lockdown with its regulations of Social distance