“Wearing a Mask still a Problem”
Kgothatso Huma
Thekwana, Rustenburg
Bojanala District
Its sad that people are still not wearing their masks in public. The government and the private sector have been doing the most to raise awareness regarding this pandemic. That past weekend, the Premier of Mpumalaga was caught several times on camera not wearing a mask at Mr. Jackson Mthembu’s funeral. She’s now facing the consequences, with a criminal record.
The main is not to spread the virus, and in doing so we stand a great chance of fighting the virus as many people won’t be affected. The Government and the Private sector have joint hands in the purchasing of the vaccine, so that we can go back to our normal lives.
The South African government have signed a deal to supply the Indian vaccine. These vaccines cost a fortune and the President mentioned that we dont have enough funds to buy for the who country. Instead, he mentioned that 60% of the country will receive the vaccines, starting with the frontrunners.