Absence of recreational facilities
Steven Ramokhula
Ikemeleng Kroondal
Rustenburg local municipality
Ikemeleng is an informal settlement outside Kroondal. It also falls under the Rustenburg local municipality under Bojanala district. It is over 50 years old. Children in Ikemeleng have no access to recreational facilities other than school, soccer grounds, most of which are used by adults for their soccer practice and games. There is nothing that is keeping them busy and off the streets.
These children now find entertainment in playing with waste and garbage. This is putting their lives and health at great risk. With the pandemic also straining our people and maintaining the protocols, children are now attending school on weekly basis. This gives them enough time to play with garbage and risk getting sick from playing with harmful materials. The parents most do not care where their children play. As long as they come back home unhurt. Some are eating unhealthy foods from the waste which is very harmful to their health.