Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Follow-up story of an unlawful grave yard

31/03/2021/ Margret Molomo/Limpopo/Mokone/ Ga-Kgabudi

Mokopane Limpopo province under Mogalakwena municipality.

Margaret Molomo. Masodi village.

Members of Kopano formation were in Mahwelereng Magistrate court today because the traditional council of Ga Kgubudi under the leadership of Mr John Malesela Kekana has open a case against us activists when  we have manage to stop  Ivanplats mine for burial of our ancestral remains which were relocated by the mine. This head man was paid by the

mine to look for a new burial site. Instate he eat the money together with his young brother Malose Kekana who works at the mine. And decided to take the ploughing field area that belongs to the community and turn it to be a grave yard.

What happened in court is that their lawyer Mr Smit was  not ready to proceed with the case. Meanwhile our  lawyers, Mr Advocate Makofane and Advocate Moshweu were ready to  proceed with the case. Then he was given 5  days  Mr Smit  to prepare his paper work. The case is still on.