Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Home is safer than the hospital

The service we get from General hospital differs with service rendered at Private Hospitals. The journey you take for you to get to the hospital when sick.

First you call the ambulance for emergency unfortunately EMS takes time to assist then you hire a private car  with the little money you had for food, arriving at the hospital the health workers renders the best service they can unfortunately laboratory with a drag to their patients for emergency. You wait for a long time from 6am – 1mp waiting for results.

Comes a time for administration to a ward you get a challenge there’s no hospital clothes to wear, toilets are dirty for you to use then you ask yourself am I at the health facility or not, because the atmosphere is not healthy then you realize that home is better and safe.

We are in couraged to sanitize frequently but the hospital fails to do that now we get to look at food given to the patients they are not nutritional to build immune system

then you ask yourself where is the money to support full meals.

Now is the time for you to sleep if it’s a child you accompanied you are going to be in serious trouble you will be forced to sleep in a baby coart or on the chair because there is no space for you to sleep and  during winter you have to cater yourself with blankets.

National Health Insurance is to ensure that the use of health services does not result in financial hardship for individuals and their families and the right to access comprehensive healthcare services free of charge. Community should be given enough time to comment and take part in decision making process especially Women.

By Francina Nkosi