Tunatazama - Community Monitors

People are starving

24/02/2021/  Mosamedi Molin/Limpopo/Atok, Mogabane village

Hunger can lead you to dangerous paths.men,women and also the youth are going to ga phasha (illegal mining) so that they can be able to put food on the table and buy their children clothes.it is not safe at all,some of them are dead while others are disable.it seems like some of them it’s a must because they are not working and they have needs.

Lack if jobs its a disgrace to them .some says since covid 19 started things haven’t been good on their side because they are not getting enough money like before they says going to illegal mining is much better than doing nothing at home, most of the people depend on social grand which is not enough for their families they say its better if their getting something even though its not safe.