Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Thabang Sam Ditsele


30 July 2021

Moses Kotane Municipality

As an activist that started fighting for the rights of our community members in 2018 When Ikwezi company in 2019 June taking me to Mahikeng High Court alleging that I’m influencing Mononono Community to not allow them to Mine.On the 2September 2019 I stood before Honourable Madam Justice DjaDje not having a legal representative and I told the court that we documents Environmental Impact Assessment  requested by us as a structure Ikwezi failed to produce those document.We requested for attendance register to see who they consult they failed.After that Ikwezi again put another agent application saying me and Themba Nzala we don’t want Ikwezi to Mine 05September 2019 we stood before Honourable Justice Gura and we told the court this company is undermining our rights. We wrote emails to DMR to give them our frustration,8December2020 Ikwezi came by force and they shot 11 member and we informed the High Court an order was given that that they should be arrested nothing happened.11 December 2020 8 member were shot by Ikwezi again nothing happened we reported to the SAPS Mogwase station commander failed us until the matter elevated to Provicial office Portchestroom till today our matter was never investigated.As we  Ikwezi is mining without any documentation.