Mining company operating without our knowledge in one of our farms
Amo Tshabalala
30 July 2021
Sefikile village Moses Kotane Local Municipality in North West.
Nooitgedacht farm. As it is mentioned that the mining is operating without our consent and knowledge, but as far as it is now we kept it under radar as our legal advisers are busy with it.
Right now the issue is about to go to court as we have filed a a mining without consent. The government tried to sell us to the highest bidder but it didn’t happen as they have planned. They tried to sell that farm to one of the farmers and we went to court and stop that at court. We are waiting to go to court with the mine, the government = DMR and the Limpopo Municipality.
All has been set in our side and we are only waiting to go to court and get what’s ours from those who thought they have won. The Mononono and Sefikile communities have joint forces in this one. All will be revealed after court.