Burning of household waste.
Steven Ramokhula
Ikemeleng Kroondal
Rustenburg local municipality
29 /09 /2021
Ikemeleng as an informal settlement has never had municipal services ever since it came into existence.
The community is located in the middle of five mining houses named Sibanye Stillwater, Samancor western chrome mine, Glencore,Lanxess platinum and Anglo American Platinum. It is also located less than 10km from the Rustenburg local municipality offices.
Even though the community is by such big cooperates, it’s still one of the worst and unhealthy community under Rustenburg. There is no waste management and sanitation. This two issues are the most that are causing illnesses and air pollution.
People in the community through their waste anywhere they see a space. Dirty water is across almost every street in the community.
With global warming and climate change rising like this across the globe, government should be monitoring burning of fossils and household waste.
One of the community members said this when I asked about why are they burning the waste. I qoute “do you want me to come through then in your yard? If you are that concern,why don’t you go tell municipality to come collect,or the local councillor?”
Government and NGOs should teach people about climate change and global warming. How is burning of waste and of coal, especially during winter season, contribute towards climate change and global warming.