Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Lack of water in Phoane section

Buti Botopela
Ikemeleng Kroondal
Rustenburg Local Municipality
North West

Since new development of water taps installation on 02/06/2020 in Phoane section, the community never rest because the taps were never used to date and many still buy water from bakkies moving around their community and some travel to ikemeleng community to fetch water.

On Monday and Tuesday the community blocked the Glencore main road to get water delivered with a truck.

Phoane is an informal settlement located in kroondal established by the Basotho tribe over 50 years ago and the settlement is made up by hostel mine workers residents and mine workers who opted for a living allowance instead of hostel accommodation.

The community has lived in the dark and empty promises for over 50 years without basic human needs such as water, electricity, proper toilets, and roads. The water project started on 2nd June 2020 with the installation of main pipelines across the community and still hasn’t completed to date.

The community representative blocked the road with trees and stones but the strike couldn’t last for long as Glencore reps and public safety came along to resolve the matter and promised to appoint a New contractor to finish the project before the end of October 2021.

In conclusion one said glencore and municipality should set-up another way to deliver services and urged them to involve the community at-large in planning and implementation of new developments coming in their community.