Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Community demanding healthy environment

Makgoo Victoria
Morapaneng Village
Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipality
Ward 15
25 October 2021


On the 21 October I have manage to engage with the Ward Councillor about the issue of waste management in our area, he then referred us to the Local Municipality officials to see Community services providers because he don’t know any system about the operation.He even say that we could go there with him to ask some questions. Around my area it seem like the waste management operation is not properly working

So now my question is: since he’s been leading the whole three full years, he didn’t know anything with our Community delibarately so that means there was nothing he has done under waste for our Community, he never made any follow ups regarding the issue. What was he doing all along? Does this mean we have to step a little harder as Community members to implement Section 24 of the Constitution.

Our communities can’t live like this, with new popping illegal dumping sides around the Corners that’s pollutes the land and air? What about our children? Are they supposed to grow under this conditions? Our leaders don’t have mercy, unless they don’t have capacity to lead. Or they’ve turned a blind eye about people they lead.