Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Floods Climate Change

 Zamokwakhe Shabalala

Date: 25 April 2022


Village: Normandien

Municipality: Newcastle Municipality

Province: KwaZulu-Natal

Topic: floods and climate change



Early this year we saw unusual floods that left most of the people homeless, including the Ngwenya family from Normandien stranded. The loss of this home has made their lives miserable.

Pollution that is in the Atmosphere cause by Gases from big Companies, Industries and operating Mines, factories and deforestation for the purpose of expand they fields. This Flood has damage crops, destroys homes and increases the incidence of diseases.

Heavy rains in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal left us crying all around. The Roads, Bridges and houses has collapsed, we’ve lost our loved once with in a blink of an eye. Now it’s seems like our Environment is fighting back because we’ve failed to protect it items of section 24 of S.A’s Constitution. The water will overflow on the bridges, this will result to the residents to be more difficult to get Local transport or even an Ambulance will not be able to pass by to if there’s a sick person to be taken to Hospital.


Municipality of Dannhouser have made a budget of 13 Million for all relevant issues base on disaster and they promise to build destroyed or flooded houses in this Ward and rebuild the affected infrastructures.
