Taba tsa Magobading village
Happiness Koma
Fetakgomo tubatse
Badudi ka moka ba magobading ba kopane
mabapi le go aga sekolo. Ba bone gore bana ba bona ga ba dule gabotse ka sekolong. Lebaka ke gore bana ke ba bantsi ka diphaposhi, seo se paledisha barutishi go shoma. Phaposhi e nale bana ba 105 mo la go swanetse goba 45 go ya go 50 ya barutwana.
Tabakgolo ke tlhokego ya diphaposhi mo go durilwego phaposhi ya motswaoswere go sa emetswe monna wa go aga.
Ga bjale motho wa go aga o hweditse.
Re leboga ba moepo go re thekga
News of Magobading village
Community of Magobading had a meeting regarding building of school. They saw that the classes had more learners and this made it difficult for teachers to work. =
One class had 105 learners while it should have 45 to 50 learners
Problem is shortage of classrooms and temporary class was made while waiting for a builder.
The builder has been found and thanks to the mine for their support.