Continued water crisis
Makhotla Sefuli
Makhotla Sefuli
Matjhabeng local municipality Welkom
Free State Province
28th May 2022
This piece is a sequel to the earlier one on water crisis and raw sewerage that is being pumped into storm water channels. The municipality has promised a lasting solution to the problem by building new sewer plants before the end of the financial year.
So far they have kept their promise and two new sewer plant are already under construction, however this process cannot be short of controversy because the cracks are already beginning to show up in the project.
An in Loco inspection of the two sites revealed that the total budget for the whole project is R47 million, so far R30 million has already been spent on the construction and in this regard we’re talking about only the foundation and the basement. The upper structure has not even begun but more than half of the money has already been spent and the irony is that they are being erected right next to the already existing ones that only need to be fixed and upgraded.
Upon inquiry of the the money that has already been spent and whether the reminder will be able to complete the project, the contractor became evasive and could not provide clear straight forward answers
As Gubico we will keep an eye on the process thruogh to the end and we will explore all the avenues at our disposal until we get to the bottom of everything