School feeding for Marikana primary school
Phindile Ngobeni
Jan Skosana
Marikana North West
Rustenburg Bojanala
26 May2022
# School feeding fro marikana primary school
On the 19 may 2022. phindile Ngobeni meet with social worker from rata organisation and they was planning how can they help community especially at school. She “said” she can help with some porridge and sanitary pads.
On the 25 Marikana primary School received 306 packets of porridge.
Marikana high School received 136 sanitary pads. Mr phuza arrange transport to go to rata office to collect it. Teachers are happy for what Phindile did for both schools. They also ask if social worker From rata office can come and meet with them so that the can able to ask some help since while school has challenges are facing in school.The also mentioned that not everyone can work hard to help school.
One teacher said to Phindile that she is important person to work with school.And she is welcome to come and work with them anytime.
They also said is a challenge to find social worker to come and assist in school. both schools principal are very happy.Mr phuza and Mrs Mokotedi