Service delivery
Thembeka Ngobeni
Date : 24/05/2022
Name: Thembeka Ngobeni
Place :KaMaqhekeza
Municipality; Nkomazi local municipality
Province: Mpumalanga
Lack of service
During last week’s heavy rain in Nkomazi the lack of service delivery resulted to cal desac in many roads and water enters in homes .
This happened in kaMaqhekeza formerly known as Naas location in the East of the place of the rising sun in between Swaziland and Mozambique border posts.
On Monday the 16th of May heavy rain falled non stop for nearly the whole day which resulted to stand still in businesses and activities then it rained fairly for the whole week.
This affected not only bussiness but school kids and teachers that stays far from schools as the roads were damaged and full of water in such a way you won’t see the pot holes as they are in every road
The lack of service delivery in the department of environmental affairs and department of public works especially the department of roads and transport is failing to fix road pot holes which are everywhere and there’s no water storm drainage in the roads where we stay.
Unless they higher qualified contractors that are not after money but fix the road as per the damage and put water storm drainage system.