Social dissatisfaction
Zamokwakhe Shabalala
The strike by future Coal Mine Workers continues as the Company promise to retrench workers. The Community members said the Mine had not responded to a complain letter that was given to them. Early this year, a Member of Community Organisation received warning letter from lawyers to stop him.
Stability is no longer with the people around the Mine as some Members of the Community were shotted at, while protesting at the Mine gates. The Mine Workers and Community say they are tired. On the 30th of May 2022 they will start closing the Mine gates until DMRE and Mine Manager arrives with something tangible.
Some residents complain about how the Mine has terminated its contract with the owner of a School Bus that takes children’s and they didn’t even notify the parents.
The Community Organisation which is called Sisonke Environment Justice Network together with Community they planned to do a shutdown to the Future Coal Mine because they have discovered that this Mine is operating illegally.