Teachers sexually harrass school girls
Buyi Gasa
At Sebetsa-O-Thole Moputso high school in Snakepark ward 129, girls students are being harassed by their teachers who are touching their bums and breasts, four male teachers have been identified for sexual harassment.
The girls have been complaining to their principal and School Governing Body but their issues were avoided instead the SGB said the that girls are lying and they dont have proof of their allegations to the teachers. One of the girls took the matter to the congress of the South African Students( COSAS) because this is not the first time this accident happened and no action has been taken against those teachers. The students are tired and they want action taken or they will close down the school if Cosas does not deal with the matter. Cosas has taken the matter to District to deal with those teacherst the matter is still under investigation