Water Crisis
Makhotla Sefuli
Gift Rampai
Matjhabeng Local Municipality Welkom
Free State Province
23 May 2022
We as the community of ward16 we have a huge water crisis.
Here at Del breets street and Ext. Mokgopane street there is fresh water pipes that is busted its pumping water on the surface for about five months now.
Ive set down with other members of the ward committee about this matter and they told me they are aware of that issue and it have been reported.
And does the Concellor know of the matter they said yes hes also awere of the matter and he also made sure its reported, but to our surprise not even once have the municipality people attended the matter not even once.
When was it first reported? Its was firstreported on 24 January 22 and again on 10 March 22 and since then the havent been any action from the municipality.
Yet when the new Major and the new Concellor just after they have been appointed they issued a campaign of “pay service delivery”, which advocated for water to be paid at R300 every month by every household.
Issues where rised by the community at large that for other household it would be very impossible to pay that amount of money as its known that in black communities alot of household are depending on social grants. The later on its was advanced by local Concellors that those whom are reliang on grant should meet with the Concellor for an indigent form to be filled by all members of the community who are not working and their basic income is grant.
The form is an agreement that every household whom have signed the form has made an agreement with the municipality that they will pay the sum amount of they wrote on the form, whether its R50 /R70 or R100 what the amount they feel they can afford every month even if it meant you wrote R20 its ohk.
Which the community was impressed by dat initiative of Municipality to have heard the grievances. But now if the municipality doesnt act on this busted pipe lines then water is being wasted and people are expected to pay service delivery but while the is no service delivery.
The community is promised alot but till today it seems nothing have changed but the names at the top.