Tunatazama - Community Monitors


Makhotla Sefuli

Tshepo Maredi

Masilo Theunissen Masilonyana Local Municipality




In a small town soon to be called a ghost town lies two symbols of cruelty against women and children. The residents of Masilo are experiencing a difficult time as one of the biggest mines in South Africa is experiencing a mass action.


Sibanye Stillwaters workers are currently on an indefinite strike as workers demand a R1000  increase from the mine. The stalemate comes as all unions involved say since the arrival Sibanye has brought nothing but creed from the employer.


This has resulted in a near three months strike where are not getting anything from the mining house. Women are affected the most as children and households depend mainly on them to deliver.  Women who work at Sibanye have voiced their frustrations t now that there’s  no action from the government and the bargaining chair can’t they accept an offer on the table and go back to work. Most women are complaining about school transport that has not been paid in three months and school fees. Some learners have not been able to attend as a result of transport.


Those that want to go back to work are threatened and promised to be killed. The plea from these women does not seem to be heard by their male counterparts. Its a race against time as  stakeholders are locked in wage negotiations.


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